Sunday, January 25, 2009

Expelled - No Intelligence Allowed

Sarah and I watched the Ben Stein documentary, "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed" last week. It was a really interesting look at intelligent design and those promoting it within the world of academia.

Stein chooses his fight carefully. Instead of taking on evolution directly, he points out that evolution does not explain how life began and argues that the idea of a designer is at least the equal of other theories on how life emerged from non-living things. No one knows how life came from non-life, but the scientific community has decreed that only non-intelligent design theories are worthy of discussion. Stein details the persecution of those in the scientific community that raise these points and argues that intelligent design deserves to be part of the debate.

The most fascinating part of the documentary is when Stein interviews Richard Dawkins, the prominent atheist and author of The God Delusion. According to Dawkins, there is little to no chance of God or a creator, but he believes that a plausible explanation for the beginning of life on earth was a visit from aliens billions of years ago.

I believe the scientific community is trying to diminish the role of God in society so that He can be replaced by a new god - the state. 

Saturday, January 24, 2009


My opinions of "mash-ups" have been nothing but bad since that horrible Elvis mash-up album came out years ago. Luckily the idea has been significantly redeemed when I started listening to Girl Talk and now Jaydiohead. I have been listening to this non-stop since someone told me about it and I downloaded it. Not only was I reintroduced to Jay-Z but the quality of Radiohead's music really gets highlighted in this format. Anyway, take a listen if you're curious. It's a free download here

Friday, January 9, 2009

Bobby's 2008 Favorites

So I had been holding off posting these in hopes of annotating my list. Alas, I never found the time and it would be 2010 before I'd likely finish. So here they are. Please ask me about any specific titles if you want more info. For book info, feel free to check out my GoodReads page.

Fleet Foxes - s/t*
Bon Iver - For Emma Forever Ago*
Damien Jurado - Caught in the Trees*
Beach House - Devotion
Cool Kids - Bake Sale
Walkmen - You & Me
Black Mountain - In the Future
Bonnie "Prince" Billy - Lie Down In the Light
Vampire Weekend - s/t
Sigur Ros - Med sud i eyrum vid spilum endalaust
*top three

Live Shows
Fleet Foxes @ the Hi Dive
Sigur Ros @ Red Rocks
Mumford & Sons / Laura Marling @ Falcon Bowl
Deerhoof @ Bluebird Theater

(published 2008)
Netherland - Joseph O'Neill
White Tiger - Adiga Aravind
Atmospheric Disturbances - Rivka Galchen
Story of Edgar Sawtelle - David Wroblewski

Traffic - Tom Vanderbilt
Happy Gloves - Miyako Kanamori
Sizwe's Test - Jonny Steinberg

Bats at the Library - Brian Lies
Madam President - Lane Smith
Wave - Suzy Lee
Little Matador - Julian Hector
Little Hoot - Amy Crouse Rosenthal

(read in 2008)
Invention of Hugo Cabaret - Brian Selznik
Gilead - Marilynne Robinson
Watchmen - Alan Moore
All the Pretty Horses - Cormac McCarthy
Plainsong - Kent Haruf

(in theaters)
Slumdog Millionaire
The Dark Knight
Man on Wire

(on DVD)
The Visitor
The Band's Visit
Young at Heart
This American Life (tv series)
No Country for Old Men

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Favorites From '08

2008 has come to a close. What are everyone's favorite books, movies or music from last year? Here's a few of my favorites. Yes, Bobby, I liked the Indiana Jones movie and I am not ashamed. 


Liberal Fascism - Jonah Goldberg
Capitalism and Freedom - Milton Freidman
America Alone - Mark Steyn
John Adams - David McCullough
The Post-American World - Fareed Zakaria


The Dark Knight
Burn After Reading
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
Forgetting Sarah Marshall
Iron Man


Kings of Leon - Only By the Night
Death Cab for Cutie - Narrow Stairs
The Ranconteurs - Consolers of the Lonely
Fleet Foxes - Fleet Foxes
Conor Oberst - Conor Oberst