Some of you might already be familiar with this web comic, but for those who aren't, I can't stress how funny it is. I used to check it all the time, but now, when I need a guaranteed laugh I visit. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. (Sorry it's a bit small, but if I expand it, the resolution sucks. Go to the website for the original.)
white ninja comics
nice. it's good to see there are still some comics out there that are actually funny. the ones in the papers these days suck big time.
I got a smirk if not a full laugh. thanks.
HEY i need somebody to tell Alex Beerhorst to give me back my orange jumpsuit.
tell me yourself, jerk-bubble!
I don't even have that jumpsuit, I wish I did. I thought I gave it to you, but if not, it is somewhere else. I have taken account of all I own recently (I'm moving) and there is no orange jumpsuit in that pile.
p.s. that comic reminds me of "guard your dogs"
"guard your dog"...what a wondeful game. the fear, pain, stealth, and domination all rolled into one. until thomas miller took it a bit too far.
Dude, I just checked white ninja today for the first time in months! There are a lot of recent funny ones in the archive.
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