Hey guys... I just got home from a STARS concert. They inspired me to write this post. I hope this post inspires you to check out their new album- In Our Bedroom After the War. It's very good. Their show was amazing!...check them out if they come to your town.
Also ... a plug for Iron and Win's newest release-- The Shepherd's Dog. Sometimes their songs bleed into one another for me... aka they all sound the same. Not the case for this album. Each song has its particular feel. It's an instant classic.
sweet! thanks for the tip. what is Stars like?
I've been told that in this album that they sound a lot like The Smiths (though I haven't listened to them yet). They run with the Band of Horses/Rogue Wave/Arcade Fire crowd.
"Set Yourself on Fire" is another album of theirs that is a MUST; greatest songs being "Your Ex-lover is Dead" and "Calendar Girl" ... well worth $.99.
Sarah and I both really like the Stars album, thanks! Our tastes in music don't intersect much, so it's good to have another album we can listen to in the car.
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