One of my favorite blogs is stuffwhitepeoplelike.com. If you're not familiar, it is the definitive guide to stuff white (liberal) people like. Stuff white people like includes: awareness, gifted children, knowing what's best for poor people, hating corporations, comparing people to Hitler... you get the idea.
I am pleased to present a shameless ripoff blog: Stuff White Christians Like at stuffwhitechristianslike.com. Any suggestion that I am posting stuff white Christians like under the pen name Abraham Calvin is preposterous! And the other poster, Luther Zwingli is certainly not a pen name for a good friend of mine in the Chicago area - equally preposterous.
Stuff White Christians Like officially launched Saturday night at 11:59 pm CST. Because the posters wouldn't dream of blogging on the Sabbath, there will be a new post every Saturday night at 11:59.
I hope you like it. Feel free to pass on the link to friends and email stuff white Christians like to abrahamcalvin at gmail.com.
Come on jon. It's not only about white "liberal" people. What about the dinner parties, Arrested Development, and the Wire. It might be more accurate to say white "hipster" people, but liberal? You know you that, just like me, you fit at least 75% of the traits included. And we definitely don't agree politically.
Anyways, great idea with the new blog. I'm excited to see what content you have up your sleeve (and maybe I'll submit some of my own).
I only read a few of the posts on "Stuff White People Like", but the tone of it kind of turned my stomach. I know it's humor, and it's alright to be able to be self deprecating, but it just sounds too much like Pitchfork (barf). Granted, it's funny, and somewhat true.
In reference to the post about music, what's wrong with keeping alive great genre's of music? What's the assumption there? That you have to be relevant all the time? I'm probably taking this way too seriously. Haha.
Ok Bobby, hipster is a better term. But aren't most hipsters liberal? Of course I like dinner parties, Arrested Development, the Wii, Wrigley Field, expensive sandwiches and Wes Anderson movies. However a large percentage of posts are things only liberals like: Che Guevera, Portland Oregon, San Francisco, Noam Chomsky, Toyota Prius, pretending to be Canadian when abroad, carbon offsets, etc.
Glad you like the idea for the blog, I'd love to hear your ideas. Sneak preview of Saturday's post: Contemporary Worship.
marcusaurelius - maybe read a few more posts and see if you like it. Some are funnier than others.
Bobby, thats so funny you used the word hipster. That was the same term I used when talking to Jackson about that blog. I was really surprised he hates that blog and thinks it perpetuates the whites vs others discrimination and superiority. I hope he comments (hint hint) I was really surprised he hated it. I think it is really funny. It strikes me as so true to our college experience. Bobby, Jon I think about you both when I read it. I love the one about indie music. Anyway I think it is spot on about hipster whites trying to be presumptiously cool myself included. It makes me laugh. Jaime saw an interview where that guy was explaining the site she said it was pretty interesting. It is kind of in the vein of that McD's commercial where the two white guys wearing tight v neck sweaters and glasses reading books and sipping coffee are excited because they dont have to call movies films anymore. Take it easy fellas Mark you have to read more. It does sound like pitchfork in fact in one of the post it talks about how pitchfork used to be cool till too many people found out about it. if you still hate it I would love to hear more about why
Correction: Adam doesnt hate the blog he was just being intense because I was intense. He says that I havent fully processed 9-11.
I'm waiting with baited breath for this week's post!
I got one Jon. How about "Trying to convince people that Obama is the Antichrist". This one keeps coming up for some reason. Oh no, he likes the Euro!!!
Susan, I'm very interested in your thoughts on the posts so far.
Bobby, this one does keep coming up. I'll have you know that my odometer on my car hit 66,666 - no joke - on Nov 4 - proof enough for you? I don't know, Iran has the bomb, or will soon, with its sights on Israel, talk of one world government, and I don't think the left has been this excited about a political leader since Mussolini. Ah, just kidding... kind of.
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