Am I the last one to discover the band Animal Collective? Hope not. If you don't know em, give their newest album Merriweather Post Pavilion a whirl.
If Beta Band suddenly became DJs they might sound something like these guys. If you don't know Beta Band, then shame on you. Watch High Fidelity and then we can talk.
Animal Collective is categorized, somehow, as "psych folk" or "noise rock", neither of which really describe what they do. They are melodic and electronic, crisp and eccentric, high energy and utterly irresistible. Honestly it took a couple listens before I got it, but now I cannot stop. Try "Brother Sport" or "My Girls" as introductions, but be sure to give the whole album a chance.
I have not gotten my hands on any of their older work, so if you perchance get lucky, maybe pass it along?
Here is a link to their page:
I like Strawberry Jam a lot. Panda Bear's solo "Person Pitch" is great too, as a album that flows beginning to end. They get more challenging to listen to as you go backwards in their catalogue, but that's okay.
i agree totally with alex. person pitch was the first animal collective related album that i really appreciated.
alex, we still going to try and see them live in boulder? i'm in but the tickets are a bit higher than expected. maybe i'll have to sell some plasma micah bannister style.
After hearing a few murmurings about these guys online, I picked up the new one as well, and was pleasantly surprised. Not that I had bad expectations. Nice descriptions/comparisons. I can never seem to describe music.
I loved Beta Band's 'Heroes to Zeroes'. Any recommendations on other gems in their catalog?
I love 'Dry the Rain' (I think it's called) off the High Fidelity soundtrack.
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