Jaime and I recently saw this exhibit at the Museum of Science in Boston. It was absolutely amazing. The exhibit shows perfectly preserved human bodies and organs in lifelike poses of motion. The technique used is called plastination. They drain the body of all of its fluids and then pose it and submerge it in different polymers until they absorb and the body is almost ruberized. The teqnique allows the organs to be viewed in motion rather than in stagnant lying positions. The exhibit shows all of the major organ systems and how they relate to each other. It was incredible. In addition to the entire bodies there were cutaways and slices of bodies and preserved organs as well. The exhibit also included a section on fetuses and pregnant mothers. It was not morbid or gross and I would recomend that anyone who has the chance go see it while it is still in North America. The exhibit is currently in Chicago until April 29 and in Dallas until May 28. It will also be in Phoenix Jan 26-May 28. For more information check out this website.
I was in Boston in August for the Association of Medical Illustrators Convention. Of course to med illustrators that stuff is the holy grail. Did you see anybody drawing in there?
By the way, did I miss a chance to see you and Jaime when I was in Boston? If so, dang! How far away are you from the city?
part of the show was in minneapolis back in the fall. i got to see it too and, while it did make me slightly pukey, i loved every minute.
My first instinct is to say, "eew gross" and to shame you for suggesting this. But, remember when I thought John Wayne Gacy Jr. was gross? You are right every once in a while.
Just to clarify she means the sufjan stevens song and not the actual person
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