As you toy with how to redeem that itunes gift card from your hip grandma...consider this:
THE FORMAT albulm "Interventions and Lullabies"
If you're a 'buy a track or two to see' kind of person, may I suggest:
"The First Single (You know me)"--amazing beat/guitar--must be played in a car/very loudly.
"Give It Up"
"Tune Out" --this is the song that made me love them. perfect stuck-in-Traffic song.
"On Your Porch" --- I'll go ahead and share, it could make me cry if I listen hard enough.
So take a listen and let me know what you think. Definitely worth your time and itunes dollars.
THE FORMAT albulm "Interventions and Lullabies"
If you're a 'buy a track or two to see' kind of person, may I suggest:
"The First Single (You know me)"--amazing beat/guitar--must be played in a car/very loudly.
"Give It Up"
"Tune Out" --this is the song that made me love them. perfect stuck-in-Traffic song.
"On Your Porch" --- I'll go ahead and share, it could make me cry if I listen hard enough.
So take a listen and let me know what you think. Definitely worth your time and itunes dollars.
since you like it, i'll be checking it out. thanks for the suggestion!
p.s. i'm AM still working on a cd for you of stuff i'm listening to. i just got my "new" computer up and running, so stay (i)tuned. :)
Yesssss! I can't wait to take a listen. Thanks AD.
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