Bobby was on to something when he posted on the best albums of 2006. But why wait until the end of the year? Let's hear everybody's favorites so far. Here's my proposed top five:
1. Because of the Times - Kings of Leon
2. Neon Bible - Arcade Fire
3. Icky Thump - White Stripes
4. Sky Blue Sky - Wilco
5. We Were Dead Before the Ship Even Sank - Modest Mouse.
My music consumption has really slowed down, but I think I would add The Shins - Wincing the Night Away to this list. The more I listen to this cd the more I love it. I think it is there best so far. They have grown up a bit, the sound is more mature, but has maintain their whimsical charm. I love the new modest mouse and the arcade fire cd as well. I am not as familiar with your other selections.
I wholeheartedly agree with "Sky Blue Sky". I'm loving that one. Also, Modest Mouse's new effort was quite good. Oh, I must check out the new White Stripes too. I'll have to see about the others. I might add the new releases from Bright Eyes ("Cassadaga"), and Low ("Drums and Guns".
I loved Lifted... and I'm Wide Awake It's Morning, but wasn't crazy about Cassadaga. I haven't heard of Low, what are they like? I've been meaning to pick up the Shins new one.
I enjoyed Low's album also. Jon, they are typically a slow droning, lofi sort of sound. Almost meditative. Drums and Guns is a little more upbeat with more vocals, etc. One my favorites though is the "Fish Tank Sessions" where they played with the band, Dirty Three. Definately give them a listen.
Oh! Sweet...thanks for the tip, Bobby, and for describing Low better than I could have. "Drums and Guns" is my first buy from the Low catalog. Is "Fish Tank Sessions" in a similar style (drone-ish, slow, meditative)? Hopefully it's widely available.
One more thing...I must admit that I got Ryan Adams' new one, "Easy Tiger". I'm still a sucker for his songwriting, and what I like to call "sad bastard music". The single, "Halloween Head" is kind of stupid poppy but still enjoyable...he announces "guitar solo!" in the middle of it (cringe). Haha. The rest of it I like, though. I'm not sure if it should appear on a best of list, though, just thought I'd mention it in case anyone cared. The front cover has him sitting in a "cool dude" pose and his digital watch prominently reads "4:20" (wtf, definitely not necessary).
The "Fishtanks" session cd should be available. I bought it at Vertigo back in the GR days. You'd probably appreciate the incredibly slow, barely recognizable version of "Down by the River". I'd also check out any of Dirty Three's albums you can get ahold of. They are primarily and instrumental string & drum group. Very hauntingly beautiful.
Okay my favorites so far...
Ditto on the Wilco & Arcade Fire
...And the Family Telephone - Page France
I'll Sleep When You're Dead - El-P (hip hop)
We Walked in Song - Innocence Mission
Armchair Apocrypha - Andrew Bird
The Fragile Army - Polyphonic Spree
Some that have caught me at first yet the complete verdict is still out...
Spiderman of the Rings - Dan Deacon (indie dance man who's all the hype right now, but apparently his live shows are amazingly fun)
Let Me Introduce My Friends - I'm From Barcelona
Desire - Pharoahe Monch (hip hop)
Maybe a mix cd exchange is in order?
Just for clarification (I'm a librarian so these things are important)...the Low and Dirty Three album is called "In the Fishtank". I just looked it up.
Ah, mix cds would definitely be fun. I've gotten quite a bit of new music lately (I need to stop for the sake of my budget, ha). I'm going to have to pick up that Low/Dirty Three thing, though. I'll have to store your other selections away in my "to investigate" file. And yes, the title clarification IS important. I'm a music nerd, so I understand. Oh, if you're looking for more new, interesting music...check out www.aquariusrecords.org. They have great, down-to-earth reviews, and long sound samples.
Ooh, mix tape, mix tape! I feel like one of the guys from that beer commercial - "hot sauce, hot sauce! / tribal armband, tribal armband!" I'll work on a 2007 mix tape for anyone who wants one.
I'm sorry to say it but I think all these discs are terrible or at least not worthy of mention. At least you didn't say you liked the Decemberists in which case I would have had to vomit serveral times before responding. Ok Wilco and Modest are both excellent bands but this is really subpar for both of them. I think this is more of a list of the biggest money makers in Indie Rock this year. These are all really established bands that fell short of there past work. HERE IS THE REAL LIST OF 2007
1. "Mirrored" Battles
2. "Person Pitch" Panda Bear
3. "The Sound of Silver" LCD Soundsystem
4. "Spiderman of the Rings" Dan Deacon
5. "From Here We Go Sublime"
The Field
Each of these releases actually manage to make new musically headway while maintaining a high degree of accessibility for experienced music listeners.
I smell music elitism, which kind of makes me want to vomit.
Not that I wouldn't listen to these, but damn, insult us and then tell us what to listen to? Haha. Hey, guess what? I like the Smashing Pumpkins! I've liked what I've heard of the Decemberists...Abba's "Dancing Queen" is great too. Hopefully, the bile is coating your tongue as we speak.
Sounds like you've been reading too much Pitchfork.
Hopefully I wasn't too much of an ass there...it just hit one of the ol' buttons. I'm excited about reading up on those albums...thanks for the tip.
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