I finished this book last week and really enjoyed it. To me it was the perfect ending. I thought it was masterfully done. I think it was her best work so far. The description and style are similar to the others, but I think the the story telling is better. If anyone would like to discuss it we can in the comments section. If you havent read it and want to do not click on the comments because it will contain spoilers.
The thing I liked about this book was that Rowling left her options open. Some people might think that was a cop out, but I thought it was wise. For instance I thought she could have gone either way with snape. It would have been believable if he was bad or good. If he was bad that would have made for dumbledore's fatal flaw. As it turned out dumbledore had another fatal flaw. But the way she wrote the book it was believable that snape was good. Or take harry for instance. The whole series seems like it has been hurtling towards harry's demise for the good of the world. In fact i think many people thought that Harry had to die even if they didnt want him to. I thought it was a good compromise that Harry died but was a horcrux and was aloud to choose to go back and fight voldermort. Harry still had to die to kill the final horcrux but was able to continue.
The other thing that I liked about this book was that she did not kill off one of the major characters even though it felt like that was where it was going. In order to appease the call for blood she sacrificed Fred and Dobby Tonks and Lupin. These were characters that we all cared about so we felt the loss of the battle agaist evil but we were able to keep Ron, Hermione and Harry.
I also thought that she did a good job of giving us a interesting take on the age old universal story of self sacrifice.
I thought that this was the most action packed of all the books which made for a quick read. Also I thought that she did her best story telling in this book. All of the books lead to this one where she laid out a feast for us tying together all the loose ends and it was neat to see how things were connected to elements from all 6 of the previous books.
Just finished! I agree on the great story-telling. Read it in 5 days, while on vacation. Action-packed. I did feel like it rambled in some places ( like where they were hiding out for months at a time, trying to figure out what to do), and there were so many ends to tie up. Rowling is clever though, and each twist and turn made me wonder at how she keeps track of each little tidbit of info as the story keeps on.
The end was satisfactory. I was glad Harry didn't die but the whole Dumbledore, Horcrux, dying/not-dying thing was kinda confusing to me. But I'm not complaining - it was a complex and very entertaining story. I did think the epilogue was tacky and unnecessary. Of course they get married and have kids blah blah blah. I think it would have been fine with just keeping the ending and having the future stay open.
Top Potter books, in my opinion:
The book was fantastic. I read it in 2 days. I am sad that it is the end. I guess I will just have to start over from the beginning. I am looking forward to the movies coming out. Interested how they will do them. I think some of the ones in the past could have been better. for example, Goblet of Fire. I didn't really like that movie at all. I am very excited for Half Blood Prince movie. It was one of my favorite books.
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