Monday, December 11, 2006

Anyone for Ice Breakers at Quest

In light of Meghan's suggestion to get to know each other there has been a thread started on the google group too. So you can give a little blerb in either place here or there, wherever you feel more comfortable. so take some time...think about it...pray about it....journal about it. What are people's feelings how is this going, are there suggestions, comments, redirections?


Michelle G said...

I would like to playfully redirect things by "gathering the client down the hallway," and then giving a nice, genuine arm hug, to help the client feel warm and secure.

Micah B said...

You were the best gatherer HVA has ever seen. How are things? Nothing says I love you like an arm hug or a wall restraint.

Michelle G said...

I may have been the ONLY gatherer HVA has ever seen. I think I invented that little addendum to the pro-act manual :) I got a post card from Lisa yesterday. She encouraged me to find someone to give me an arm hug if I was feeling blue. But, all you arm-huggers are just scattered all over the country! What's a sad little Hillview-ite to do?