Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Just Kidding

I like the most recent ep in the Sufjan Christmas boxset. I give Babel a 6.3 and The Knife: Silent Shout a 8.2 Now I'm going to be cool and descern culture like Micah.

I was doing some research and it turns out Christmas is the most
terrible and despicable cover up ever. Of course, I'm sure you already know that
Jesus was not actually born on December 25 but that it was probably
closer to the 6th of January given the fact that he was about 3 months
old when the went to bring him to the temple. Did you also know that
Christmas is really an amalgamation of 2 pagan celebrations. The first
was the Roman winter festival celebrating the birth of Jupiter from
Dec. 17 until Dec. 25 which was the birth date of Mithras and other Sun
gods called the Sol Invictus. This celebration was known for excessive
drunkenness, orgies and oh yeah on the 25th they would exchange small
gifts. When the Catholic Church took power under Constantine the
holiday was changed so that it would be to celebrate the birth of
Christ instead. The other pagan winter festival which was added was
the Norse ceremony of Yule. During this time historians believe based
on Norse written mythology that nine of each species of animal was
sacrificed, including human. The means by which to kill them was by
ramming a pine tree through them and hence the Christmas tree was
invented. We also get mistletoe from them as it "had magical erotic
properties" and Christmas Ham because of a pig sacrifice to the Norse
god Freyr.

But everything is ok now right? I mean Christian kindof took the
holiday over right? We redeemed it as agents of redemption right?
hhmmm. not exactly seeing as we still use many of the pagan
traditions. Furthermore, for the first 250 years of the early Church
NO Christians celebrated the birth of Christ. Origen, an early
Christian scholar who lived around 200 AD said that followers of Christ
should not celebrate Christmas or any commemoration of His birth as
this was not intended or supporting what Christ came to this earth to
do. Instead Chirstians celebrate His death and Resurrection. Of
course, the Catholic Church decided to keep it because they were
afraid it would upset the people too much to ban it. However, many who
were part of the Reformation stopped celebrating Christmas because of
its pagan overtones and blatant borrowing form non-Christian sources.
In fact when the Puritans took over Britian they banned it only to
find many cities in riot.

....anyways...... fuck Christmas.

just kidding.


alex beer said...

I hope you leave enough room for my christmas tree, because I'm going to ram it into your stomach

alex beer said...

I had a bible teacher in high school who used a big boulder from jerusalem or something instead of a christmas tree because it was more biblically justifiable as a christian symbol

suz said...

Alex, was that RVL?

The history is accurate. What I find most meaningful about Advent and Christmas is the liturgical celebration. I appreciate taking time during Advent to re-examine the Old Testament passages that prophesy the Messiah. I appreciate pausing, and noting the brokenness all around us that necessitates the birth of Jesus, the Christ. I hunger for the Christmas communion service when the congregation gathers and takes the body and blood of Christ, remembering that we are indeed saved and we are called to bear witness to the Kingdom.

But, you're right. the pagan traditions overshadow all of this. Churches often forget this and preach pithy "Jesus is the reason for the season", "if you love Jesus everything will be all better" sermons...skipping Advent and rushing to the "birthday of Jesus". We can't fully appreciate the savior if we aren't aware of the sin that bogs us down. We can't really celebrate Christmas if we don't long for the second coming of Christ.

but. I do love the Christmas tree, and so we have one. Maybe we'll rethink that pagan tradition.

abockheim said...

fascinating history. i guess my own take on the whole season is that it should be very personal. it's no one's business whether you celebrate christ's birth, pagan holidays, other religious holidays, or nothing at all. it's a time to be with family, relax, enjoy good things, and, if you are so inclined, meditate on your own spiritual convictions. the people that go mental about The Real Meaning of the Season are being childish and egotistical.

Micah B said...

Josh, oh how i have missed your angry enthusiasm.