Thursday, December 7, 2006

let's get these bullets

Is the video still around? Thoughts, comments anyone?

ahh those were the days


Micah B said...

begtson i do still have lets get those bullets but its on vhs. how can i get it digital. then i could share it

Micah B said...

bengtson sorry i hit enter and accidently misspelled your name

andrew said...

It is possible to do, but you need to have the right equipment. I, for one, would love a copy.

Remember when Campus Safety came by with their maglites, to bust some serious machine gun toting terrorist ass?

Eric said...

micah...who are you? ben roy? lol

Micah B said...

bengtson I looked at bet buy at some usb devices that will let me capture vhs and transfer it to my hard drive but it will cost some money. I'll have to do a cost analysis, but i am pitching it to jaime so as to preserve some of her families old home videos.

mattypro said...
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mattypro said...

Videos are pretty awesome. I would love to see that one again. OH MAN! That just reminded me of a video that my friend Kevin Buist took of Spence, Sam Schoofs and me on the frozen tundra of Lake Michigan. I should def. try to pick that up. And I don't know why this just deleted... oh well.

suz said...

you could borrow equipment at a local college. Or, better yet, you could take a field tript to John Calvin's College and use your alumni priveleges to switch over the DVD.